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The Different Moms You’ll Find at Mommy & Me Classes
November 16, 2021

The Different Moms You’ll Find at Mommy & Me Classes

There is no universal portrayal of the moms that go to Mommy & Me classes. A few articles you may read will separate all moms into classes, for example, the overly-friendly mom, the “super-into-it” mother, the flustered mother, the loquacious mother and, lastly, even the rare token father.

Everybody has days when they are feeling eager, days when they are feeling harried or days when they simply need to talk someone else’s ear off. It’s a normal part of life as a parent. Likewise, the assumption that there is just one sort of father that attends these classes is silly, when they also experience the entire extent of feelings associated with raising a child.

So then you may be asking, “what am I supposed to expect out of a Mommy & Me class”? The answer is to go into these classes with no expectations. Without a doubt, it can feel a touch overwhelming, especially as a newcomer to parenting. This is where it is important to recall that everybody at one point was a beginner in their Mommy & Me classes. It’s worth mentioning here that one of the best parts of international schools, in particular, is that everybody acclimating themselves to a new, diverse environment, so these groups tend to be even more supportive on average.

These classes are in fact a good method for making new friends and perhaps more importantly, finding a support group that understands what you are going through as a parent. Many of the people you will meet in these classes have had prior experience as a parent and will be more than happy to help you along. For those who have just arrived to their new home country or those new to international schools, these groups can be the easiest way to quickly make new friends.

Lastly, Mommy & Me classes can be a very valuable and cost-effective way to discover whether an international school will be a good fit for your child or not. Picking the correct school for your kid is a huge decision, so set aside the effort to go to a few Mommy & Me classes to assess the school as well as the community you may ultimately become a part of.

If you want more information on our Mommy & Me classes and how ISSP – prestigious international school of Ho Chi Minh City helps you make the most out of them, please contact our admissions team for further assistance.


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