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Outdoor Education

Why outdoor education?

At ISSP, we provide outdoor education to help children:

  • To increase time in natural, challenging environments.
  • To provide opportunities to develop resilience, agency and wellbeing.
  • To promote alternatives to screen time.
  • To increase opportunities to connect to nature.

Our approach

The Outdoor Education Curriculum is focused on character development and split into 3 areas:


The ability to learn from past experiences and adapt them into future actions


The ability to cope adaptively and bounce back after changes, challenges


The ability to conceive issues and to get the right help

Ta Lai 3

What are we doing?

Partnering with Ta Lai Adventures, who we have had an ongoing relationship with for a number of years, to strengthen the outdoor education we provide at ISSP. About Ta Lai Adventures:

  • An outdoor education provider
  • Consistent safe practices aligned with ISSP expectations
  • Deeper learning through experiences and activities
  • Trust and relationships between ISSP and Ta Lai

A place in the Cat Tien Community

As part of our partnership we have an exciting chance to be part of and support the local community. Together with Ta Lai Adventures we have designed community projects, which will see our students working alongside the Tay and Ma people. Our first project is rice cultivation; learning from the local farmers, we will plant and tend our own rice paddy and use the rice grown at school.


An increase in challenge

Grade 3

  • Jungle awareness & basic skills
  • Introduction to navigation
  • Obstacle course
  • Supported independence

Grade 4

  • Jungle knowledge & intermediate skills
  • Map reading & applied navigation
  • Low rope course
  • Guided independence

Grade 5

  • Jungle camping & advanced skills
  • Orienteering & compass reading
  • Rock climbing
  • Higher level independence

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